Hi friends,
I am providing this information
because i think it will be helpful for those who want to search for a job.
We faced lot of problems after the completion of the college - where
to go, what course to do and how to get interview calls. So i thought
about providing some information for my juniors and share my experience.
If u have any doubts or suggestions you are welcome - my id is reddykkk@usa.net
Where To Go :
As you are freshers, it is better to come to Bangalore than going to Hyderabad (don't think about chandrababu's hitech city). There are lot of opportunities for freshers in Bangalore. Companies like Seimens, Philips, Hughes, Helwet-Packard, Cisco and so many other good companies take freshers. They will be conducting exams every month. Infosys and TCS have lot of requirement. I will give these mail ids below. In Madras also the situation is not that much better than in Hyderabad as well as in Bombay.
What to learn :
Many companies conduct Aptitude tests. It is better to prepare aptitude from GRE book. Verbal reasoning is not that much important, because very few companies ask it. C/ C++ are the most important. You must have good knowledge about these languages. These are the basics. No need to have great programming skills, but you must study all concepts. In interviews they ask only concepts, no body asks to write programs. UNIX is compulsory. Many people ask differences between unix and dos.
For computer science students DS, OS, CN and SE( Only Testing Concepts) are important. Electronics students have to study Micro Processors, ICs and Digital Electronics(PM,FM,TDM...) more .Others can concentrate on C/C++/Unix. pointers are very important. It is better to have some idea on SQL.
Project is very important. You will surely be asked about project in every interview irrespective of the company. And you must have good knowledge about it, atleast to explain something.
Don't spend money on java and don't waste time learning it after college. Try to learn it in the college itself. There is no boom for java now.( If you think java is necessary , u can learn. This is just my opinion)
Model papers :
Here you can find some previous papers of some companies. Many of these papers are repeated. It will be very helpful if you go through these papers once.
Click here to see model papers...
If you are not able to access through this link, go to www.placementpapers.com
Some ID's :
- careers@infy.com
( percentage > 65%)
- careers@wipro.com, university@wipro.com
- careers@satyam.com
- hr@hss.hns.com ( > 70%)
- careerstart@bangalore.imrglobal.com
- usenthil@ionidea.com
/ karthikn@ionidea.com
AK AEROTEX software Centre pvt. ltd
- jobs@akaerotek.com (
No Attachments)
Cadance Design sys (I) Pvt. Ltd
- indiajobs@cadence.com
DeDuCo Software Systems India Pvt. ltd
- careers@deduco.com
- siemens.careers@blr.spcnl.co.in
/ k.satish@blr.spcnl.co.in (70%)
- freshers@wiproge.med.ge.com
- hmsrecruit@sisl.co.in
- freshers@sageindia.co.in
- recruitment@blore.tcs.co.in
( >60%)
Kenabel Solutions Limited
- hrd@kenabel.com ( with
subject as ST - OD)
- kashyap.balakrishnan@oracle.com
( > 70%)
Siri Technologies
- hr@siritech.com
I will add some more ids as soon as possible.
Useful Info :
Infosys exam consists of only puzzles. Go through Shakunthala Devi's puzzle books( 2 books are there ) and George Summer's puzzle book. In interview also they ask puzzles.
TCS asks only Aptitude. Verbal is also important for this exam. See some old papers.
Seimens' exam consists of three parts - Quantitative, Logical and Technical parts. Each part consists of 25 questions and 15 minutes time.
Hughes exam consists of only technical questions and exam is for only
computers and electronics people.
*** Getting call for any exam is important. If any company requires percentage more than 70% and if u don't have that much, send ur resume with that percentage. If u can clear the exam and the interview, they may not consider ur percentage.( This is purely personnel opinion, don't blame me if anything happens)